I also cast on for my first pair of socks for the Summer of Socks 08. I'm making Wendy's Cabletini socks, (pdf) with my ONline supersock stuff that I got a while back. Here's what it looks like so far.
I also cast on for a pair of Spirogyra's from knitty. I'm using Lorna's Laces shepherd sport in tickled pink. I'm loving these. The pattern is really easy to memorize. The only thing I hate is doing a yo at the beginning of a needle. That just irks me. But I like the way it looks so...
Oh yeah, and I also am doing a Gryffindor Swap (holy linkage batman!! Sorry ganiggle... you're contagious too apparently...). I think my partner will be extremely happy with what she's getting. I hope at least. :)
Next time, on "Yarn Mafia." We find out just what, exactly, M is for.... Stay tuned!!